Its all in the handphone

From left: Syukur & Shamel relaxed after all the training
Rite, while chilling out at the mamak stall with my seniors, i thot about playing a trick on one of them who thinks he's got that 'game' with the girls. I told him about one of the girls in my school whos quite a magnet. We'll call her Y**** for the moment. He then wanted me to introduce him to her (in a playful tone). Me being the smart guy, I sent an SMS message to his phone while I sat just next to him. So then he hears the message being recieved and thot that it was me sending him the message. This is wat i messaged to him...
Hi, this is Y*****, who is this?
He got excited, but scolded me for giving his number to girls without his permission(When actually its my new phone number). This is his reply (part of it was supposed to be in malay) ...
My name is shamel. Did Adib give my phone number to you?
I replied him back when I got home....
Hehe, yea kinda. So has he been talking about me?
His reply...
He says that you are a beautiful women, ok i have to go to sleep. Bye.Gdnite
Ok, so thats about it. I tricked him into thinking my new number was someone elses, can't wait to see that expression on his face when I tell him the truth.
Ok, so thats about it. I tricked him into thinking my new number was someone elses, can't wait to see that expression on his face when I tell him the truth.
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