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Waited for this 4 a long time...
Can anyone have a quick guess at what happened to me yesterday???
I've been waiitng for one whole year just to get that thing. Ever since I began my quest. But at that time, I shook my head and asked "will i ever get it??". and now, i shake my head again thinking, "damn, that was my freaking black belt grading!!"
Heres what I had to go through for the test...
A few patterns to show off...(I think I passed)
Self defence against two knife attacks...(some technical problem hapened)
Self defence against grabs....(same thing happened i guess)
A fight against Two Red Belts! (I could see everyone was watching with excitement!)
Two planks to be broken by the knuckles...(failed)
Two planks by the elbow...(passed)
Two planks by a side kick...(passed)
Two planks by a back kick...(passed)
A plank by a high kick...(passed)
Two planks by a flying kick...(passed)
a plank for knife hand strike...(passed)
and another four chances to break a plank with my knuckle...(failed)
I'm currently bruised on my knuckles and my foot. but its ok cause I passed! Now ppl, I know your all excited, but being your personal body gaurd is going to cost more. Although the list seemed short, just wished some of you guys were there coz you missed what I thought was spectacular! There were these groups of ppl who wanted to take a pic of me with their friends. I feel so loved. So thats all, cheers all!
New Layout
hey, dis layout din turn out that bad...through mozilla...wonder how it'd look like through internet explorer. oh well, i'll chek in the computer lab back at college.
So its just one more day for that Black Belt test which i've been waiting for for years. 200 malay bux for the test, I'd better not screw this one up. Lemme see, for the test its gonna be...
2 planks to be broken by the knuckles
2 by the elbow
2 by a flying kick
1 by this jumping high kick
a brick to be smashed by my hand
A few patterns to show off
Unarmed self defence
Self defence against three knife attacks
and finally a two vs one street fight without gloves.
Why the hell do they have to make the test even harder? A friend of mine whos taken an easier test came out bruised all over. Ah heck, I gtg. Cheers all!
Powered by Mozilla Firefox
Whats this? I've been spending quite some time making my site fit well with the page using Mozilla Firefox but when I opened my page again using Internet Explorer I see a whole lotta difference! I currently don't have Internet Explorer in my comp coz its been giving me loadsa viruses. This is how my page looks like using Mozilla Firefox...

If my page looks all messed up, its probably coz u're not using Mozilla.
# john Says:
August 21st, 2005 at 2:34 am
i have used mozilla for over a year. i don’t even have virus protection. i still run my spyware program and it never finds anthing. when i used internet explorer, i spent alot of money on mcafee stuff and also had to redo my operating system several times. not to mention all the popups. mozila is a great browser and i recomend it to all my friends. internet explore sucks
so wtf are u guys waiting for?? Get Mozilla Firefox HERE!
First flash vid
I've got loads more homework to do; from building some sort of rectilinear and circulinear project to sketching the exterior of my house! Art has never really been as interesting back when Mrs Chandran would cross her arms expecting us to pass up our assignments. Friends there are cool. Whenever there would be free lessons for the architecture students, we'd all go to the mamak stall for some roti canai and teh tarik! There are some things I never really expected with the people there, like the girls for e.g. The ones with tudungs are a fun bunch while the ones with really nice hairdos are all timid n shy. So anyway, freedom rocks!
So its 7.00 in the morning and I'm supposed to get ready for my first day in college. Yea, got qualified for diploma in Architecture at IUCTT. And Vasu's gone to Uni...Packed food, clothes and stuff to live with a few friends in an apartment. Won't be on9 as much as those old school days. Hope to meet loadsa new friends. oh yea, Happy Birthday Clavinna in advance. and to whoever's birthday that'll be up next coz I don't think I'll be seeing u guys in a loong time...unless u're lucky. Oh gosh, lukatdatime, gtg then. Cheers all!